Friday, 14 February 2014


While teaching acrylic painting, there always seems to be someone in the class who's interests lie with the spiritual side of art.  I never really know what to say to these students.  I merely can discuss what I know about form and colour, and urge them to pay attention. I suggest they read "Concerning the Spiritual in Art" by Wassily Kandinsky.  Recently, I discovered an online version of the book:

Friday, 7 February 2014

The Development of My Artistic Process


       I am a multidisciplinary artist with a strong focus on metalwork.  For years, I practiced the art of drawing and painting en-plein-air; recording the sun set and rise.  Now, as I manipulate steel using a torch or forge, I transform this element of light/sun I was once studying in my paintings and drawings into the actual tool I use to create my artwork. 
    It was while working on the Preserving Harold Project (PHP) that I began incorporating steel into my artistic process.  My artistic process is an integral part of my artwork, lending to the overall essence I aim for.  The steel hangers created for the PHP were not only functional, but also decorative and meaningful; at times resembling roots which I relate to the invisible connections that hold everything together.  My mental process also developed, becoming more meaningful and present as I heated and pounded the steel and thought about Harold, his house, and family members.  The process of blacksmithing also relates to a common theme of rebirth that permeates my work, as all elements (water, air, earth, fire) are required when transforming steel.
    Read more about the PHP on my blog:

"Self Portrait as a Sauna Stove"

I just updated the Pike Lake Forge Blog, with a post relating to Pike Lake and my Heritage. It's about a film project I created (2010) for my graduating exhibition called "Self Portrait as a Sauna Stove".  If you like reading about my Finnish Heritage and growing up on Pike Lake, keep an eye on my PLF blog:

Monday, 3 February 2014

Hugable Hearts

Well, during that cold spell I had to come up with something Warm and Cozy to create indoors: Hugable Hearts... some may recall "My Little Monsters" I was creating before -- this time they don't have arms..but most of them still have funny faces! I discovered how cozy and useful the little hearts can be, so this time I focussed on creating a heart purrfect for supporting the neck or knees. Really, I intend these to be for all ages -- I love mine! :)  Thanks to my niece Johanna for modelling.