Saturday, 22 March 2014

Hudson Bay Lowlands Hat

This is my "Hudson Bay Lowlands Hat" example I've created for my upcoming Artists-in-the-5th CAHEP project at St. Bernard school. This will be the third year in a row that I've been invited to work with the same teacher, and I must say the results have been getting better and better. We have a great relationship, and because of our friendship I feel comfortable pushing boundaries and making challenging projects for the students. I can't wait to see what they create and I hope they love my example as much as I do!

Well, making these hats was by-far my favourite in-school project to date!  
So much fun!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Balance and CAHEP

Well, this year has been fast paced, that's for sure.  
Seems I've been practicing the art of Balance.  Which can be challenging.  
Mostly mentally,
as borders become hard to define and at times I wonder if they're necessary.  
Borders are merely abstract ideas we create in order to organize and make sense of our social selves.  So when I'm wondering if I've been spending enough time doing this or that... 
it's all part of the same puzzle and fills my days with Art.  
So is there a line between Art and Life?  I'm not sure.  
But believing their aren't any lines separating my self makes me feel sane and grounded.  
Mental balance is more important than physical.  
Artists practice balancing their days -- going from teaching grade fours, to working at a community group, to meetings, organizing programs, making art, selling art,
creating commissions.... 
So if we get stuck on how our days are "suppose" to look like... we would go crazy!
I'm thinking about this as I've been having an interesting past couple weeks, and have been
pondering the position artists maintain in society.  
Working for non-profit organizations, 
we offer free art programming for the public and especially those that cannot access creative activities alone.  Almost every day during a free March break camp for CAHEP (Community Arts & Heritage Education Project), someone asked if I was a volunteer-- 
and I could hear in their tone of voice that they assumed I was a volunteer.  
I would just chuckle, as I laughed at peoples notions of what it means to be an artist.  
All I can say is I am very happy and enthusiastic about my work, and the chance I get to work in the community, provide creative opportunities, and brighten peoples days.
Thanks CAHEP!
 ... and why I went off about balance is because I now am assisting CAHEP in organizing some of their community outreach programs.
It's a very rewarding job, and hasn't been too much to handle.  
But at times I do have to give myself that extra push
to get into the studio and do something for me.
And so far I have done it.  
Other times I have to accept that there are no lines. 
I shouldn't be doing this or that.  I just Am.
Live Life Art!

Interested in CAHEP?  Visit their website or find them on Facebook :)