Well, time sure flies and change is inevitable.
Below is a picture of Rachel and I a couple of years ago at the Grand Opening of Satellite Studio on St. Paul St. Cars now park on the opposite side of the street, we have some fresh trees and sidewalk. New businesses are popping up: a hair stylist, boutique, The Walleye, New Day Records, and a coffee shop is in the making!

As 2015 commences, Satellite Studio no longer will maintain space on St. Paul -- which was a great bright studio location. I've offered it to Don Bayes to set up Hide5. So I'm a little bit sad, but at the same time very excited about new horizons. SSAC will continue to exist, we'll continue to create and mentor one another. Don and I had Art's Gallery open for a year, and it was great! If we had some more artists involved, perhaps we could have maintained such a large space. But personally, I have no interest in running a gallery, so I needed to move on, and find people to sell my work. Now, I continue to develop Pike Lake Forge and soon will be partaking in an E-Commerce program through the College, and have been building partnerships with local businesses.

We now sell our bottle openers at Sleeping Giant Brewery, our fire tools and some candle holders at Bobs Intelligent Heating Decor/ Woodburner's & Fireplaces, and our towel racks at Arcuro Design. Today I also dropped off "A Branch Between You and the Sun" (seen below) at Ahnisnabae Art Gallery's new location.
There are many potential spaces in mind, including a handful outside of the region. So keep an eye on our Pike Lake Forge Facebook page and blog (www.pikelakeforge.blogspot.ca) for details. Aside from focussing on getting our metalwork into the hands of adoring fans, I now begin working full time at Canadian Tire. This change stems from my largest goal of purchasing a beautiful home with a nice garage to set up shop in Hymers. Thus, a new year commences with great goals and ambition. It's been great working out of my Dad's garage, but realistically in order to prosper, we need permanency. In the past few months we've acquired a treadle hammer, power hammer, and one tonne of coal! Together these will drastically affect and improve our work. Excitement is in the air and although I cannot be easily found downtown, keep in touch online and don't be a stranger! We'll be seeing you around town, and if you're craving to see us or other smiths/metalworkers in action, come out to a guild meeting! I'm the Secretary, so just shoot me and email requesting to be on the list and you'll regularly receive updates. ;) ckajorin@gmail.com