Tuesday 10 February 2015

Studio Y

Well, I think I'm seriously going to apply for a Fellowship with Studio Y in Toronto. I heard about the program through the CEDC, and it's quite amazing. I feel they will help foster and achieve future ambitions. I will only grow, and gain skills that will forever impact my life and part within the community. Check out what they're about here:


The only downfall is that I would have to reside in TO for 8 months. On the bright side, I'm young and Pike Lake Forge is still in developmental stages, and so it would only positively impact its future development.

1 comment:

  1. Well, there was some fine print, and it looks as though it says you can apply if you're between the ages of 18-29. But apparently you can only be 18-25, and only eligible between ages 26-29 under particular circumstances… so now onto the next chapter~
